Education what does it do for us in life?


Different types of education you can get helps in different jobs or volunteering work that you can get paid for where you learn you will be able to get different grades the grades can range from OCR nationals to GCSEs.

OCR national certificates can be given in like ICT for instance IT for short now you can get grades pass , merit or distinction. A pass is like a C grade , Merit is B grade and Distinction is A to A* grade. If all certificates are kept from other subjects apart from this you can go to the job for a possible hire.

Education refers to the discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments, as opposed to various non-formal and informal means of socialization.
GCSEs and O levels are different as well these are marked U to A* and numbered 1 to 9.
Because we study and get grades we want doesn’t mean that you will get them it depends if your willing to learn. Education for some when learning can be difficult , people with learning difficulties have mini group sessions or in class when there in primary or secondary school which is pri-school.
Collages and university’s has the same but also work supporting groups like a few like princes trust and Shaw trust. Places like this phone to see what your education status is like.